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Monday 27 July 2015

My First Post!

Hello my readers! I hope you are all well! This is my new blog and I thought that I would dedicate this whole post to just telling you what will be going on with it. I am still undecided on the layout of the page so if it changes please don't be alarmed, I am just altering the layout so that it is more easy on the eye. This blog will, hopefully, have some pictures up of my makes and there will be constant updates on what is going on in my crafting-world. I will hopefully be making some cards to put up for you guys to look at. Completely unrelated to anything that I have said so far, please follow me if you go onto my blog and like it. That would really help me. I really have just realized how hodge-podge this whole post has been so far. Oh well. 

If you like this post please subscribe to my posts, there is a link on my page somewhere. Now it is just a matter of finding it. Hmm. Anyway, back to my blog! Most of you are probably wondering why the title of my page is Cards and Cats and I have not made any references to cats yet. Am I right? Well, I truly do love my two cats, Bella and Mischief, and they have a big role in my life at home! I really just thought that I would dedicate the blog partially to them. If you are one of those people who has to read every single word on a page before you can leave it (I certainly am) then you will have read the description of the blog and you will already know about the cat thing.

Please follow and/or subscribe to my posts,
Thank you for reading,
Luke A.K.A: Cards and Cats

P.S: :)


  1. This is my first post so please don't judge!

  2. This is my first post so please don't judge!
